The Guru of Gurus - Audio Biography

Whistling the Impossible

Gurudev: The Guru of Gurus

Just a few miracles is enough to have a person canonized a saint. So how would you measure the scale of a person who performed hundreds a week.

What seemed to us to be undoable, immeasurable, unachievable, impossible, to him was nothing more than a whistle.

That's how he lived the latter part of his life - Whistling the Impossible. presents the pods of enlightenment, an audio biography of one of history's greatest saints.  'The Guru of Gurus' podcast series is comprised of 24 podcasts that present aspects of the mahaguru's life, philosophy, supernature, and mentorship.

Make some aspects of his biography into aspects of your biography.

If you have a question related to this podcast or need spiritual guidance, write to us at You can also read about Gurudev's life and philosophy on his website -

The difference between a normal person and supernormal person is that a normal

person can perform feats that most can at best a little better. A super normal person

can perform acts that most people find illogical, unbelievable and impossible. And so...

Whistling the Impossible

Defining Gurudev just as a healer does not justify his stature. He had the power to

perform feats which to most would look impossible. But to him, the feats came

naturally. He was a being from the highest loka where impossible was normal.

His advent as the Mahaguru, his manifestation of the Shivalay, his connectivity with the

cosmic consciousness, gave him the ability to do things that were for others a disability.

Besides healing, he could change the nature of things, manipulate the structure of

elements and control sub-atomic forms. A few stray examples would be worth listening

to. But do remember-A miracle for one can be just a common act for another.

Another aspect of his supernature was his ability to astral travel. An escape artist

extraordinaire, he certainly was. He kind of lived in both worlds, the physical and the

ethereal. He called it ‘paath’ and practiced it almost every day for a few hours. His

consciousness would transmigrate from his physical body to the ethereal one which

would then exit and travel astrally.

During these out of the body travels, he would examine the number of visitors at the

various sthans he set up across the world, assess the help they needed, and then return.

Also, there were astral meetings held regularly with spiritual greats like Guru Nanak,

Guru Angad, Shirdi Sai etc. His meetings with Parshuram ji and other Devi Devtas

were specific to purpose. I could call this astral socialising!

Another purpose fulfilled during paath was that in certain cases he had to rearrange

events in people’s lives to solve financial and social issues.

His wife, whom we referred to as our spiritual mother and called ‘Mataji’, was a great

support to him in his spiritual life. The home, the family, the operations of the home

temple on regular days, looking after all this and more during his sojourns to the camps

for half the year, were delegated to her.

Even the task of waking him up from his paath when the need arose, was her

assignment. Let’s talk to her.

Mataji: He(Gurudev) used to say, “When the world sleeps at night, I am awake. People say I sleep

when I am in paath, but they don’t know what I am doing.”

Q: What did he mean by this?

Mataji: He used to say I am everything and I travel everywhere.  I know what my disciples are

doing, where all  they go— but  no one will ever know where  all I  travel to. No one can.

 Q: What you are saying is, what you meant was that he used to travel spiritually out of

his body?

Mataji: Yes, he would.

Q: Did it look like he was sleeping normally or was there any difference?

Mataji: No, it looked like he was sleeping normally. There wasn’t any difference at all.

Sometimes his friends would come over who later became his shishyas  tried waking him up from his paath and that made him angry.

He used to tell  them  not to wake him, rather tell “your mother” to wake him. Sometimes, when I woke him up, I gave his leg a jerk but he wouldn’t wake up. Maybe  he had travelled far and couldn’t

return immediately. He used to say, “Sometimes it takes me a minute or two or three  to come back

from where I am.” So, whenever it used to take time, I used to leave him.

Poor Mataji.

She had married a man who left his body almost every day. Further, she had to learn

how to bring him back from his astral travels, if and when needed. He then made

statements like, “When people sleep, I travel the universe. And no one will ever know

where I go, but I watch over people and guide them.”

But deal with all this she did. And overtime, fairly effectively.

As Gurudev practiced out of the body travel on a ‘Do it yourself’ basis, and in the

absence of an astral travel agency, sometimes we got the opportunity to fly with him but

forgot to board the flight. Skid a little off course we certainly did.

Rajpal ji shares a strange story of Gurudev’s astral travel.

Rajpal ji: Once in  Hoshiarpur, Sitaram ji, Suresh ji, RP Sharma ji and I all went to a room where Guru ji was sitting  at night  after he got free from the public. 

  It was a fairly small room where  he was busy doing something and  speaking to all who   were listening attentively. Around 2 am  Guruji asked us to get food.  A few sevadaars who were waiting outside   got the food. There was makke di roti and ghee— after serving sarson ka saag with ghee on it to all he started eating himself.  While eating, the spoon suddenly fell from his hand. 

 I got worried seeing him and so did Sitaram ji and RP Sharmaji  He wasn’t breathing. His heartbeat  had stopped. His pulse had also stopped. His eyes were closed as well. We thought he had passed away. We took the ghee and started rubbing on his hands, legs and on his scalp. We put lots of ghee on his body as well. After 5 minutes, Sitaram ji said to me, “Rajpal, what is the time?” I told him it was 2:20 am. He said it had been almost  5 minutes since we had started rubbing ghee on him.  Gurudev had once told that his paath time starts at 2:15am and   lasts till 3:30 am.  So we should  wait till 3:30 am and not get worried.   Leaving our food on the plates, RP Sharma ji, Sitaram ji, Suresh ji and I waited  quietly till 3:30 am. When my watch struck 3:30, I looked at Sitaram ji, who was in a deep thought. Then he glanced at Guruji’s watch, which showed 2 minutes to  3:30. Sitaram ji said it has to be 3:30 on Guru ji’s  watch. As soon as his watch struck 3:30, Guruji uttered a deep Om and stood up. He didn’t look at me or at anyone else, opened the latch and went out of the room.  We finally slept. At around  6:30 am Guruji walked  in abusing us,  “What did you think—your  guru was dead? I’ve told you all how to come behind me.. My legs were in your hands. If only you had pressed that point, you would have come behind me.” I said I could not  remember any of this. He said  it was because we were scared  and thought that  our guru had died. I could only  beg for his forgiveness."

Surender Kaushal, a disciple from Chicago had a vision of Gurudev taking him on an astral trip where he made him see all the planets at close range. The icing on the cake was that he made him touch the mighty Saturn. The astral therefore now qualified as Astrological. In spite of dealing with the grahas or the planets, Gurudev never became an astrologer. I guess destiny had something much higher in store for him.

Santlal ji shares some astral secrets which not many have heard. This was a story of how Gurudev plucked three of his disciples from their bodies while they were at a camp with him, and sent them astrally to pay a visit to their respective homes, with restrictions of course.

Q: Whenever he had gone on his astral travels, out of body, then  you have gone on those experiences along with him? Can you share that with us?

Santlal ji: Bakshi ji, another guru bhai and I had accompanied  Guruji on his tour of Himachal.

There he told us to place some water next to our pillow, light a dhoop and lie down. He would take our souls on the astral journeys and bring them back too. One thing he would always tell us though, was to keep an eye out for a bright light and stop.

Q: What type of light?

Santlal ji: This light was  yellowish but he used to say white light. 
Q: So, he said to stop when you see a white light when you are  out of the body?

Santlal ji: So, the three of us, the third person was Amirchand. There was Bakshi ji  who did sewa in Simla , Amirchand ji in Kangra district and me .Guru ji  took all three of us  out of our bodies. We were told to lock our doors from inside and sleep. We had to go to our respective sthans and pray. I entered the sthan through the grills, did the pooja. He had given us  clear instructions  not to meet or talk to any of our family members – wife, kids- no matter what. And no drinking any water either..

Q. Where? Where not to drink water?

Santlal ji: In our homes.

Q. Oh, so the instruction was to not drink water or meet your wife while in you were in your spirit form?

Santlal ji: Yes. In fact, I had small kids. I called out to my wife, saying, “Madam.” She

replied “Yes, tell me.” Then I remembered what Guruji had told me.I had called my wife by mistake. 

 As I had come home, I wanted to find out about the well-being of my kids. Later, I remembered that Guruji had said not to meet them so if I  called out to her then

she would  come to meet me. So, I kept quiet. Even they went off to sleep. 

Later we  returned to our physical bodies after the astral travel and woke up.

Though  Amirchand ji had not yet returned as he got lost on the way while

Bakshi ji and I had returned to our bodies. We returned  as it was his kripa – or else how would we know how to leave our body or  how to return to it or how to come out of it being surrounded by grills on all four sides.


Q. Yes. Yes.

The good news is that Amichand ji from Kotla who got lost was finally found by

Gurudev who had to travel astrally to bring him back to his body. Possibly, a man

without a compass.

Another travel itinerary is for Santosh ji, a disciple who runs a sthan at Nadaun. As this

interview was taken on a walk, hope you will enjoy the rustling of the leaves in the


Santosh ji: This incident took place in Gurgaon. He had left for his Office that day. His neighbour, Uma Shankar ji’s house was  under construction and The  raw material like bricks etc. were kept behind his house. So, I decided to just lie down on a bed of bricks with the hope to meet Guruji on his return. 

With his blessings beta, I can  answer your question only if  I knew such a place existed.

  For the next one or two hours that day, Guruji took me to several places – through the mountains, here and there. I would ask him questions along the journey saying, “Guruji, this is my thinking….” He

would say “That’s’ fine.” And further if I asked him about some particular thing then he would

again reply, “No son, that’s fine.” This kept on happening for almost  two or two and a half hours. Honestly I was fully contented. When I finally woke up, I felt so fresh.


I remember many such stories of Gurudev’s wanderlust. He took Raji Sharma on a visit

to an astral dimension where Raji was introduced to the great Shankar. Punchoo Sethi,

an ardent disciple, was met by three grand Devi's - Parvati, Lakshmi and Saraswati. If

these experiences were to be documented, Encyclopaedia Britannica would look like a

midget diary. So, let's keep it short with tales that sound tall, but aren't.

Keeping up with the deities, let’s catch a ride with another disciple, Ravi Trehan ji, who

accompanied Gurudev to one of the highest realms, the Gurulok.

Ravi ji: I cannot say that with 100% confidence. I do have confidence but not 100% proof

but the impression I got was that I was in Gurulok.

Q: When?

Ravi ji: He took me with him. What I saw there, I wasn’t in a state to recognize anyone but I

sensed that all the mahagurus of ancient times, they were all there. The faces of the holy men

were like the one we see in photographs with long hair and beard, in a typical costume that

they wear. There was a darbar or gathering of sorts. Vishwamitra ji was also there. Maharishi

Vashisth ji was  there. I had this sense that all those people were sitting there.


To put it colloquially, Gurudev almost lived in a twilight zone. His sense of reality was

quite different to that of others. He not only knew how to travel astrally at will, but also

assisted others when needed.

There are ‘n’ number of experiences of disciples and devotees who found themselves out

of their bodies either for a purpose or for the exposure to this separate reality. I am

witness to a few such trips he took with me to hither, thither, and later, he made me

travel individually to understand the subject. But after all that, it was case closed! He

stopped me from doing so as he felt it was a dangerous business. When out of the body,

a person can run the risk of his body being captured by a powerful spirit.

Turning the page!

Guddan ji from the Kanpur sthan shares her story of an out of body experience as she

ventured out to look up her dying mother.

Guddan ji: My mother was on her death bed in Kanpur and I had been  staying with Guruji since

five months in Gurgaon. Guruji had told me to live  separately  from my family, the reason only he knows and I didn’t have the courage to ask him why. He would never  tell me  how my mother

was and had asked others to do the same.  2 or 3 days before her death, you can call this whatever

form. I was lying down and  I could see that I had  flown  to meet my mother in Kanpur. I reached to see her but didn’t touch her. I was also aware that I had to go back to Gurgaon. So, I met her and flew back because I was afraid  that I had to return back in the time limit given by Guru ji. When I woke up, I thought this was all a dream.

 Few days later my mother expired. I came to meet Guruji who was staying at Rajpal ji’s place. I

told Guruji, “Guruji, my mother passed away and  I didn’t even get a chance to meet her.” He said, “who said that

you didn’t meet your mother? You went to meet her. I had sent you.” And he reminded me

how I had gone to meet her before her death. And even my brother told me, that  my mother had said, “Guddan has come.” which  means she saw me coming. This was all done by Guruji’s blessings. We think  it is  a dream but only He knows  how he can manage to do so. 

It was common to see Gurudev exit his body urgently without prior warning leaving

those around him shocked out of their wits. One such story was narrated to me by the

late Sitaram Takki ji, a disciple, and not to be confused with Gurudev’s mentors who

also had the same first name.

In fact, there was a quad of Sitaram ji’s in Gurudev’s life –

The two Sitaram ji’s who mentored him – Sitaram ji of Benaras and Sitaram ji of


The Sitaramji he mentored whose story we are about to share.

And the fourth – the couple he introduced me to in a vision state – Sita and Lord Ram

of the Ramayan fame.



While on a trip, Gurudev asked Sitaram Takki ji to hold onto his legs while he left his

body and to accompany him on a tour of the Milky Way.

Sitaram ji saw a shadow image of Gurudev rise out of his sleeping self and instead of

holding on, he got nervous and left Gurudev’s legs as he watched Gurudev depart from

the window only to return hours later.

I had a similar experience in Gurgaon. He was going on paath and asked me to hold

onto his legs when he left his body as he would take me for a tour of the planets and in

space. I did not see the image or spirit body leave, but as he began convulsing, I became

nervous and released the pressure on his legs.

Gurudev’s supernature had many aspects and of these, Out of the Body experiences

were a significant one. Ability to guide people in the dream state was another.

Bilocation the third. Ability to materialize and dematerialize things including himself,

the fourth. Healing, invisibility, mind over matter, ability to change forms etc. etc. etc.

the list is long.

One very unique capability was his control over nature’s elements.

Gupta ji from the Parwanoo sthan shares a personal experience of watching Gurudev

do another impossible task. He showed how matter itself is relative.

Just one box of Kheer and Gulab Jamun were enough to feed many, many visitors.

Gupta ji: Once  Gurudev had come to  reside in the Shilai area.

Q: Where?

Gupta ji: Shilai, near Ponta Sahib. Even we had gone there. Gurudev had got some kheer

(an Indian sweetmeat made of rice and milk) from Gurgaon, which was kept in the dicky of

the car. It was summer time, so Gurudev asked us to distribute the kheer to everyone present . He had also bought a box of gulab jamuns . There were a lot of people outside.

So, we thought the kheer and gulab jamuns  would not be enough for everyone. In spite of

serving big spoons to everyone, neither the kheer nor the gulab jamuns, which we gave

 got over. You can call this him being ‘annapurna’.

‘Annapurna’ means plentiful, especially in relation to food. The power of Annapurna is

that the food does not fall short and even less can serve more. The impossible, possible!

Pravesh Kapoor, who accompanied Gurudev on many trips across India, shares an

intriguing tale of ‘sustainable’ spiritualism. Do remember when you have control over

the elements and matter, there can be a lack of logic in your doings.

For the impossible becomes doable.

Parvesh Kapoor: Once the petrol in my car finished. He told me, "Son, open the petrol tank". I 

Opened the tank and then he asked me to shut  the lid. He asked us to start the vehicle, so we started and we drove. And after that, we never went anywhere for petrol. We came back to Delhi and then we got the petrol filled.

Q: And how many kilometres did you travel without this petrol?

Parvesh Kapoor: At least about 80-85 kms.

Q: Wow.


Gurudev’s sisters are back but with a bouquet of bewilderment.

Every Shivratri, Gurudev would bless the boiling lemon tea by immersing his hands in

the hot liquid for a few seconds. The hands did not burn, and again it was hard to


Gurudev’s sister: I asked “Who all are there?” There are five or six shishyas who make jal.

So I said “then”, He said “Then they make lemon tea.” I said “Why do they offer Lemon

tea?” He said “There is karamaat (magic) in that Lemon tea too”. I asked him how. He said

“Guruji would put his hands inside the tea”. So, I said “I can’t believe it: How can he put his

hands inside the boiling tea? He would get blisters” He said, “You can see it with your own eyes.”

Then I replied, “I’ll believe only when I see it with my own eyes.”

Q: This happened in front of your eyes?

Gurudev’s sister: Yes. I was sitting here only and had heard all this from Bakshi ji. I am telling myself

that five  disciples  would be  preparing jal. I went to check what was going on. The tea was kept

on the stove to boil. Then Guruji put his hands like this in it. So, I told  myself in my mind

this way his hands won’t burn. Then again he did it and I said, this can also be done. The third time

when Guruji put his hands much deeper in the boiling tea,  I got frightened. I told the

DSP’s wife, “Bhabhi ji, please see, Guruji has put his hands in the tea”.

When you connect to cosmic consciousness what happens is that you expand much

beyond your physical existence. You become a part of everything, just like everything

becomes a part of you. All life forms, elements, cosmic  rays etc are synchronised to tune

with you. Your identity expands from the individual ‘I’ to the Supreme ‘I’. Many great

sages have reached this level of existence. So did Gurudev.

On umpteen occasions, he had to manipulate nature, communicate with animals and

birds, reward spirits, give births to spirits in waiting, neutralise planetary rays, extend

life in a line of many, many, etceteras.

His life started with a miracle. It rained but untimely on the day he was born. He was to

be called Santprakash but due to the untimely rain his grandmother named him

Rajinder, meaning ruler of rain and ruler of the elements. Not only did he learn to stop

and start the rain but could control other elements too and extend life in special cases.

His birth was a miracle. His life was one too and also after his demise he performed

several miracles in the vision space and through sightings.


Gupta ji from Parwanoo’s story is a very wet one.

Gupta ji: Once in Oodi, which is a hilly area in Narkanda , It was raining very heavily, it was covered with dark clouds and there was also a hailstorm.  A gentleman named Thukral ji, who used to do sewa 

in Shimla, and many  others were present too. They told me that,  Gurudev came

outside and said, “Enough is enough,” to the elements of nature, and the rain stopped.

Q: He said “Enough is enough”? To whom?

Gupta ji: To nature...must have spoken to someone.

Q: Then when did it stop?

Gupta ji: It stopped the moment he said so.

Q: That fast?

Gupta ji: Yes

Baljeet ji is the Mount Everest of devotion and loyalty to Gurudev. His effort and

contribution to the construction of Najafgarh and Sector 10 are examples of surrender

to the cause and mission of his guru. An interesting story, not about singing in the rain,

but casting in the rain, coming up!

Baljeet ji: This happened in the year 1989 when the construction had started in Sector 10,Gurgaon. It was in the months of  June or July. We were digging the basement and I was a little sad and standing and staring  at the sky thinking that  if it rained  then we would get stuck in the basement. Suddenly

Guruji comes from behind and asked, “What are you thinking about?” I said “Guruji, give us 8

to 10 days more because if it rains then it will be difficult for us.” But it so happened that it

didn’t rain for the next few days and we reached the position of laying the linter of the basement. The day we had to lay  the linter  it was raining on all the four sides of the plot. While the job  was being done he came to the site. It wasn’t raining on the Sector 10 plot but raining all over Gurgaon, in every direction. Guruji came and said, “See.” I joined my hands. He said, “Son, this is a small job of stopping and making it rain.” However he  had told me how one can do these things.  So,  it was raining  everywhere in Gurgaon except the plot.

We in Maharashtra might find this concept a little hard to digest because we are used to

wooing the rain by singing “Ye re, ye re pausa tula deto paisa, paisa zhala khota, paus

aala motha.”

And here, he was reversing the whole concept.

Gurudev had asked me to spend a few days with him at his camp in Mungavli where we

were staying in tents. One evening, it started raining. Gurudev just went out, looked

around and came back but it didn’t stop raining. In fact, it started raining harder. His

facial expressions changed and after a few seconds he opened the flap, looked up and

screamed, after which I almost saw the water go upwards and it stopped raining in less

than half a second. I was so stupefied; I could not converse with him for the rest of the



Gurudev’s sister-in-law, affectionately called chachiji, was married to Gurudev’s

younger brother, Satish ji, whom we called Chachaji. He was loved by all and did seva

with an unbelievable flair. Chachiji lives with her family in Gurudev’s ancestral home

in Hariana. She does seva at the sthan and is also the sentinel for the significant Sheetla

Devi temple near her residence. Her experience follows.

Q: Have you seen Gurudev while he stopped a storm?

Chachi ji: Yes, I have, I saw it  in 1988 when my husband left his physical form. When this happened

 everywhere, in every corner, there were heavy rains, Punjab  was completely flooded. Even  the Shitla temple that he had got made,   water touched the gates of the temple and receded. Gurudev  had told us not to get  worried. All this water would eventually calm down. Gurudev was in Shitla temple

when we returned  with the dead body.  After Gurudev came out  the flood  waters  touched his feet and receded. People may have heard such stories but I have seen it myself.

Santlal ji told me that on a visit to Juhu Beach with Gurudev, he was amazed to see how

nature responded to the Mahaguru. He witnessed how the sea came and caressed

Gurudev’s feet, and withdrew thereafter.

But seeing is believing and what I saw at Juhu Beach was something quite similar. The

waves kept a distance of at least 30 feet from where we were standing and gazing at the

horizon. Suddenly one wave, as if with missionary zeal, came and touched Gurudev’s

slippers and receded. It was only his slippers and no one else’s.

I suppose it was not a case of racial discrimination but a spiritual one!

Not wanting to be left behind, Giri ji shared a similar experience he had with Gurudev

at a beach in Chennai. As toddlers, we would have said same to same!

You cannot document 20 years of a life of daily miracles in 60 minutes. Nor can you

record over a million or more miracles in a few podcasts. These excerpts set the flavour

and give you a glimpse of the being that was him.

Do learn to whistle away your woes. To trick the impossible.

Let his be a story of inspiration to make you accept what you already are-The God

above, the God below and the God within.

Apna zamana aap banate hai eh-le-dil

Apna zamana aap banate hai eh-le-dil

Hum woh nahi jinhe zamana bana gaya

Hum woh nahi jinhe zamana bana gaya.